SAP HANA filters in Graphical View: Part 1

Filters:Type 1- SAP HANA Constant Filters SAP standard tables may contain millions of data records and it becomes critical to the report performance that we only pull the data we need from the tables we look at. Without filters in SAP HANA, pulling up excess data can lead to slow reports, put strain on the […]

SQL script complete tutorial – Part 9

SAP HANA SQL script concepts- SQL JOIN, UNION, UNION ALL Welcome to the final installment of this SAP HANA SQL Scripts core concepts section where we learn how to pick up related data from different tables using SQL JOIN. We also learn the concept of combining data sets using the SQL UNION whilst understanding the difference between […]

SQL script complete tutorial – Part 8

Core SAP HANA SQL script concepts- SQL CASE & Nested SELECT Welcome to the eighth installment of this SAP HANA SQL Scripts core concepts section where we learn how to pick up different data for the same field when provided with unique conditions with SQL CASE statement. We will also then understand the concept of having a SELECT […]

SQL script complete tutorial – Part 7

Core SAP HANA SQL script concepts- SQL UPDATE,DELETE,DROP Welcome to the seventh installment of this SAP HANA SQL Scripts core concepts section where we learn how to manipulate data using SQL UPDATE, delete certain data using SQL DELETE and obliterate the table from existence using SQL DROP statement. Till now, we have learnt the INSERT which […]

SQL script complete tutorial – Part 6

Core SAP HANA SQL script concepts- SQL NULL and NOT Welcome to the sixth installment of this SAP HANA SQL Scripts core concepts section where we try to understand the concept of nothing – SQL NULL and also later dwell into negating WHERE conditions with the NOT operator. Welcome to nothingness – SQL NULL NULL is nothing. NULL […]

SQL script complete tutorial – Part 5

Core SAP HANA SQL script concepts- String Functions Welcome to the fifth installment of this SAP HANA SQL Scripts core concepts section where we try to understand how to use different string functions and operators to manipulate character data sets. The String manipulation begins… It’s now time to pick up the EMP_NAMES table which contains the first name and […]

SQL script complete tutorial – Part 4

Core SAP HANA SQL script concepts- GROUP BY, IN & BETWEEN,ORDER BY Welcome to the fourth installment of this SAP HANA SQL Scripts core concepts section where we try to understand how to use SQL GROUP BY to aggregate rows of data, learn IN and BETWEEN clauses for applying filter with multiple values and also how to […]

SQL script complete tutorial – Part 3

Core SAP HANA SQL script concepts- Calculated fields and Alias Welcome to the third instalment of this SAP HANA SQL Scripts core concepts section where we try to understand how to create new calculated fields and how to rename field names using SQL alias concept.  Now let’s play with transaction data for a while. Let’s see how data […]

SQL script complete tutorial – Part 2

Core SAP HANA SQL script concepts- SELECT with SQL WHERE conditions Welcome to the second installment of this SAP HANA SQL Scripts core concepts section where we try to understand the SQL WHERE condition and different ways of using it.  SQL WHERE – Because we only take what we need Most times when we do […]

SQL script complete tutorial – Part 1

Core SAP HANA SQL script concepts- SELECT STATEMENT Welcome to the next series of tutorials on SAP HANA SQL script which will aim at making you comfortable with the SQL side of SAP HANA. Most of us are scared of coding but let me assure you that you can pick it up fairly easily if […]