crystal 1

SAP Business Objects Crystal reports on SAP HANA Welcome one and all to another reporting on HANA tutorial. In this one, we find ourselves tackling one of the most frequently used reporting tools in the SAP Business Objects reporting suite – SAP Business Objects Crystal reports. SAP Business Objects Crystal Reports: Key Points Report Complexity: […]

WebI 2

SAP Business Objects WebI on SAP HANA – Part 2 Welcome to the continuation of SAP Business Objects WebI tutorial. If you reached this page directly, please read the Part 1 first before proceeding. SAP Business Objects WebI on SAP HANA – With Universe To show you how the other connection options work, let’s choose […]

WEBI – 1

SAP Business Objects Web Intelligence on SAP HANA Welcome one and all to another Reporting on HANA tutorial. In this one, we find ourselves tackling one of the most frequently used reporting tools in the SAP Business Objects reporting suite – SAP Business Objects Web Intelligence ( Commonly referred to as WebI). SAP Business Objects […]

Explorer – 2

SAP BO Explorer on SAP HANA – Part 2 Welcome back to the second part tutorial on SAP BO Explorer on SAP HANA. If you have reached this page directly, please read the Part 1 tutorial first before proceeding further. SAP BO Explorer Contd.. Find the folder under which they were published and expand it. […]

Explorer – 1

SAP Business Objects Explorer on SAP HANA  Welcome one and all to another reporting on SAP HANA tutorial. In this one, we try to the understand the SAP Business Objects Explorer. As the name suggests, it is a data exploration tool. This was a great tool for users to take fields and do some slice […]

Universe – 2

SAP Business Objects Information design tool with SAP HANA Welcome to part 2 of the SAP Business Objects Information design tool (IDT) tutorial. If you landed on this page directly, please read the Part 1 before continuing further. If you are done with the first part.. read on. Step 2A: SAP Business Objects Information design tool – […]

Universe 1

SAP Business Objects Universe integration with SAP HANA Universes are a middle layer between certain sources (SAP HANA in our case) and some Business objects reporting tools. These are the tools that do not have direct connectivity via standard connections to SAP HANA sources. SAP Web Intelligence is a tool which was highly dependent on […]

Analysis for OLAP Reporting – Part 2

Business Objects OLAP Analysis reporting with SAP HANA – Part 2 Welcome to part-2 of the SAP Business Objects OLAP Analysis tutorial where we continue from Part-1. If you directly landed on this page, please make sure to read the first part by clicking here. If you followed all the steps in the previous part 1 […]

Analysis for OLAP Reporting – Part 1

Business Objects Analysis for OLAP reporting with HANA – Part 1 In our previous tutorial, we learnt about SAP Business Objects Analysis for Office. Now, we learn about another web based analysis tool called Business Objects “ Analysis for OLAP ”. It is another web based data discovery tool that doesn’t need any application or […]

Create SAP business Objects OLAP Connection

SAP Business Objects OLAP Connection Hello everyone and welcome to the next tutorial in this series which prepares you to be a great SAP HANA Consultant. Today, we learn how to create an SAP Business Objects OLAP connection. This is usually an administrator’s task and in all probabilities, if you are a developer would not […]