Design Studio 2

SAP Business Objects Design Studio on SAP HANA Welcome back to the design studio tutorial. If you have directly landed on this page, please check out Part-1 before proceeding further. Creating our first SAP Business Objects Design Studio report (Contd..) To switch the chart type, click on your chart. This would bring up a properties […]

Design Studio 1

SAP Business Objects Design Studio on SAP HANA Welcome one and all to another reporting on HANA tutorial. In this one, we try to the understand the SAP Business Objects Design Studio. It is the one and only recommended solution whenever the client demands dashboards. Dashboards are used for an aggregated view of data and […]

lumira 2

SAP Business Objects Lumira on SAP HANA Welcome back to Part 2 of the Lumira tutorial. If you directly landed on this tutorial, please read Part-1 first before continuing. Adding another SAP Business Objects Lumira Visualization We now get a fresh report page. We would need to define a source for this new dataset. Under […]

lumira 1

SAP Business Objects Lumira on SAP HANA Welcome one and all to another reporting on HANA tutorial. In this one, we try to the understand the SAP Business Objects Lumira. Like Explorer, it is a data exploration tool. Lumira opens up avenues of data exploration like never before. It now allows a business user to […]

crystal 2

SAP Business Objects Crystal reports on SAP HANA – Part 2 Welcome back to the Crystal reports tutorial. If you landed directly on this page without checking out Part-1, please do so before continuing here. SAP Business Objects Crystal reports on SAP HANA (Contd…) As we drop into the body, we see that the heading […]

crystal 1

SAP Business Objects Crystal reports on SAP HANA Welcome one and all to another reporting on HANA tutorial. In this one, we find ourselves tackling one of the most frequently used reporting tools in the SAP Business Objects reporting suite – SAP Business Objects Crystal reports. SAP Business Objects Crystal Reports: Key Points Report Complexity: […]

WebI 2

SAP Business Objects WebI on SAP HANA – Part 2 Welcome to the continuation of SAP Business Objects WebI tutorial. If you reached this page directly, please read the Part 1 first before proceeding. SAP Business Objects WebI on SAP HANA – With Universe To show you how the other connection options work, let’s choose […]

WEBI – 1

SAP Business Objects Web Intelligence on SAP HANA Welcome one and all to another Reporting on HANA tutorial. In this one, we find ourselves tackling one of the most frequently used reporting tools in the SAP Business Objects reporting suite – SAP Business Objects Web Intelligence ( Commonly referred to as WebI). SAP Business Objects […]

Explorer – 2

SAP BO Explorer on SAP HANA – Part 2 Welcome back to the second part tutorial on SAP BO Explorer on SAP HANA. If you have reached this page directly, please read the Part 1 tutorial first before proceeding further. SAP BO Explorer Contd.. Find the folder under which they were published and expand it. […]

Explorer – 1

SAP Business Objects Explorer on SAP HANA  Welcome one and all to another reporting on SAP HANA tutorial. In this one, we try to the understand the SAP Business Objects Explorer. As the name suggests, it is a data exploration tool. This was a great tool for users to take fields and do some slice […]